What is Hypnosis?Hypnosis is a natural state of altered consciousness experienced daily by people from all walks of life. This occurs effortlessly as you drift into sleep and as you emerge from sleep. Highway amnesia and daydreaming are further examples of natural hypnotic states.
The shifts between states of consciousness can be measured by means of EEG'S, graphing brain wave frequencies which are measured in Hertz (cycles or waves per second). |
Trance StatesWe spend the majority of our time in Beta, our waking state. As we drift into sleep, daydreaming, meditation, prayer or hypnosis, we move first into Alpha, a light to medium state of hypnotic trance, perfect for relaxation, visualization and programming desires into the subconscious mind.
From Alpha we slide into Theta, a medium to deep state of hypnotic trance, the ideal state for past-life and life-between-life regression. Finally, there is Delta (sleep), the slowest frequency of brain waves where healing is the prime directive. |
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy
In addition to the many benefits of traditional hypnosis, transpersonal hypnotherapy serves to expand your consciousness beyond (trans) the five senses into the realm of the mystical, into the Universal beingness, into the collective unconscious that connects all humanity. From this vantage point, healing on all levels becomes accessible.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us." -- Marianne Williamson |