Paranormal Inspiration
Living in the Flow of Life

I am no stranger to spiritual guidance and paranormal experiences. My earliest memories include visions and dreams so vivid and so routine that my paternal grandmother would quiz me about these occurrences, always looking for numbers she could play with a local bookie. These were nickel and dime bets which she often won. It was through this process that she declared our family’s lucky number – 528.
In my early 20’s I had the first of many experiences that would alter the way I view life and death. On the drive home from work one evening, there suddenly appeared across my windshield the word F I R E in flaming red letters. Shocked to my core, I pulled to the side of the road and sat there shaking until the surge of adrenaline began to subside. Just before I pulled back onto the road, the roof of the building to my right burst into flames. Bewildered, I very slowly continued the drive home.
For me, this claircognizance is nearly always accompanied by goose bumps, the little shivers running up and down my arms, sometimes even my entire body, with my hair standing on end. I’ve always thought of that phenomenon as Spirit affirming that my insight in a given situation is correct or that I'm moving in the right direction toward my desire: I pause, acknowledge the affirmation and move into gratitude for the guidance.
I spent decades searching, reading, learning, experiencing, assimilating, teaching and growing. I’ve had relapses and dark nights of the soul, epiphanies and gifts from Spirit. Vacillating between darkness and light, I wrote a note to God: “Dear God, I pray for a miracle. Please remove every single defect of character that stands in the way of my doing your will. Show me my dark places that I may flood them with your light. Thank You.” Within days my life, as I knew it, went up in smoke as I began a nine-month journey through anguish and despair.
The light at the end of that dark night of the soul was Sedona. For nearly two decades, Sedona had been my place of spiritual retreat. Now I was clearly guided to make Sedona my permanent residence. I didn’t know HOW, I only knew THAT! But SPIRIT knew!
A phone call from my sister triggered the magic. Rona gently reminded me of who I was and what I believed in; of forgotten dreams and aspirations. In response to my comment, “All my dreams are dead, Sis,” she replied, “What about Sedona, Sissy? You’ve always wanted to live in Sedona!”
The journey began as I rushed to my computer, searching for a Bed & Breakfast in Sedona with an immediate opening. I was on a mission and would not be deterred. Career, job, friends, relationships, finances, all were relegated to the bottom of my list of priorities. Reservation confirmed! I was Sedona-Bound!
The light at the end of that dark night of the soul was Sedona. For nearly two decades, Sedona had been my place of spiritual retreat. Now I was clearly guided to make Sedona my permanent residence. I didn’t know HOW, I only knew THAT! But SPIRIT knew!
A phone call from my sister triggered the magic. Rona gently reminded me of who I was and what I believed in; of forgotten dreams and aspirations. In response to my comment, “All my dreams are dead, Sis,” she replied, “What about Sedona, Sissy? You’ve always wanted to live in Sedona!”
The journey began as I rushed to my computer, searching for a Bed & Breakfast in Sedona with an immediate opening. I was on a mission and would not be deterred. Career, job, friends, relationships, finances, all were relegated to the bottom of my list of priorities. Reservation confirmed! I was Sedona-Bound!
I knew that I knew that something extraordinary was unfolding. A clear intention had been established with passion and purpose. I knew at my core that I was supported by universal forces. Going forward, I had only to exude gratitude for every aspect of my life experiences, especially the darkest ones; through them I had been led back to an ancient calling – the whisper of my Higher Self, my Spirit, my Soul.
I knew that I knew that something extraordinary was unfolding. A clear intention had been established with passion and purpose. I knew at my core that I was supported by universal forces. Going forward, I had only to exude gratitude for every aspect of my life experiences, especially the darkest ones; through them I had been led back to an ancient calling – the whisper of my Higher Self, my Spirit, my Soul.
With Thomas’ encouragement and support, I chose to further my education in hypnosis, healing, coaching and neurolinguistics programming. Pursuing these avenues, I obtained Master Certification in NLP, Hypnosis and Reiki. I later qualified for Certification as a Spiritual Healer and Health & Success Coach.
While in a deep hypnotic past-life trance, a client spontaneously left his body and reported traveling toward a bright light. As we explored his experience in this otherlife, something stirred deep within me.
This inner stirring led me to the work of Dr. Michael Newton, author of Journey of Souls. I applied and was accepted into the last training session taught by Dr. Newton at the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists (NATH) resulting in certification as a Life-Between-Life Therapist and Transpersonal Hypnotherapist. This was a truly life altering experience, further affirming the paranormal side of my present-life experiences and the undeniable otherlife Being that exists within each of us.
A signal year was ending, a life path solidifying, a heart overflowing with gratitude.
While in a deep hypnotic past-life trance, a client spontaneously left his body and reported traveling toward a bright light. As we explored his experience in this otherlife, something stirred deep within me.
This inner stirring led me to the work of Dr. Michael Newton, author of Journey of Souls. I applied and was accepted into the last training session taught by Dr. Newton at the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists (NATH) resulting in certification as a Life-Between-Life Therapist and Transpersonal Hypnotherapist. This was a truly life altering experience, further affirming the paranormal side of my present-life experiences and the undeniable otherlife Being that exists within each of us.
A signal year was ending, a life path solidifying, a heart overflowing with gratitude.